Las Vegas Fertility Acupuncture 
Recurrent Miscarriage
By Dr. Lisa Grant
Dipl. NCCAOM Oriental Medicine
Fellow, American Board of Oriental and Reproductive Medicine
Recurrent miscarriage is devastating. You have gotten the positive pregnancy test, you and your partner are overjoyed that your dream of having a child is finally coming true, and then you miscarry and your dreams and heart are shattered. And then it happens again. And maybe again.

I have had three miscarriages. It is difficult to put into words how shattering having a miscarriage is, and to have it happen multiple times scars your soul.

If you have had multiple miscarriages, please call me. I can help.
Causes of Miscarriage and How Acupuncture Helps: Immunologic Factors
Research shows that in 50% of the cases, immunological factors are the cause. These include issues such as NK cells, anti phosopholipid antibodies, and anti nuclear antibodies. Factor V Leiden and MTHFR variations also fall into this category.

The common thread between all of these factors is that they decrease blood supply to the developing fetus and placenta. The good news is that Chinese medicine excels at improving blood flow and supply to both.

Chinese medicine can also downregulate the immune system through a combination of acupuncture, herbs, and reducing dietary inflammation. 75% of women with 3 or more miscarriages will have a good outcome from treatment. But you must get treated!
Low Progesterone
20% of the time recurrent miscarriage is caused low progesterone, which Chinese medicine can also address.

Just supplementing with extra progesterone after a confirmed pregnancy only has a small effect (1%), because proper embryo development requires more than justprogesterone after fertilization.

Low progesterone is an indication of hormonal imbalance during the follicular development process. Progesterone issues need to be resolved before a pregnancy, during egg development, which we focus on by treating you throughout your whole cycle.
Unknown Factors
15% of recurrent miscarriages are caused by unknown factors.

I have had excellent results treating women who have “unknown” causes. Chinese medicine looks at the root causes of energetic and hormonal imbalances, so often what Western medicine can’t discern, my Chinese medicine diagnostics can.

There is no such diagnosis as “unknown causes” in Chinese medicine: there is always a cause, and we can treat it.
Chromosomal Abnormalities
Chromosomal abnormalities with no previous live births are only responsible for 7% of recurrent miscarriages.

Uterine anatomical abnormalities are responsible for an additional 5-10%. Infection is responsible for another 1%, and is most effectively treated by Western medication.

Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can’t resolve chromosomal or anatomical abnormalities. But these factors only account for 18% of recurrent miscarriage.
There is hope!
The good news is that fully 80% of the causes of recurrent miscarriage can be addressed by Chinese medicine and acupuncture!

All of these conditions require several months of treatment prior to getting pregnant. We need time to heal the issues and put you in a good position to GET pregnant and STAY pregnant.

If recurrent miscarriage is affecting you, please call me. I have a high success rate of resolving recurrent miscarriage and helping women have successful pregnancies! In 2017, my success rate was 80%, with 20% due to undiagnosed abnormal chromosomal issues. If you subtract the chromosomal issues, my success rate was 80%. This is not a guarantee that I can get you pregnant, but we can dramatically improve your chances.

You don’t have to suffer the agony of repeat miscarriage. There are answers, and we can significantly increase your chances of having a successful pregnancy.
7381 Prairie Falcon Rd. #140
Las Vegas, NV 89128
Spring Mountains Acupuncture believes that Wellness is more than the absence of pain or disease.

It’s the cultivation of a sense of wholeness in your life.
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