You spend one hour out of the 168 you have every week with me.
If you are eating food that creates inflammation, missing nutrients that create reproductive hormone imbalance, sitting at your computer desk wrong creating neck pain, dealing with emotional issues….you get the picture.
If we don’t address your food, nutrients, stress, ergonomics, etc, etc, the ROOT CAUSE of the problem will never truly get better!
This is true for every condition that my patients have. When you learn what is making you sick and are learn what you can do to change it, you will feel better. Acupuncture opens the door to wellness and provides a path to wellness that you walk through.
That is why initial appointments are two hours: the first hour for a health history and counseling, and the second hour for a treatment.
The first appointment will take 2 hours.
I will take a comprehensive health, emotional, and physical history and create my diagnosis, give recommendations for lifestyle changes you can make to support your health in the first hour, and you have your first acupuncture treatment during the second hour.
Chinese herbs can be an important part of the healing process.
They speed healing and reduce the number of visits you will need because they are formulated specifically for you and your condition. The herbs are not a forever thing; as you heal, we reduce the dosage until you no longer need them.
You will leave feeling better and with a whole new set of tools and ways to change your lifestyle so your healing will create a life of wellness.